
There Is Always an End...

For the last time, Hello My dearest reader! It has been a crazy and hectic term for me because there were so many tasks and homework for every course I took. These blog tasks were always a real  fun for me. I really enjoy writing here as if somebody –hopefully- read them. As I said on the very first post, for today’s world, technology is inevitable. So, it really should be into our classrooms or teaching environments. Thanks to this course, I really learnt so many programmes I haven’t heard before. Sometimes I had difficulties, sometimes it was easy to learn and sometimes I did not find the proper one (this is the least I love about the course, we should have found the proper tools). However, I managed to do all the tasks. This whole blogger thing gave me so much inspiration. I started to believe myself and this gave me confidence. It was also very creative. Maybe for a long time, I was not producing, just consuming. To produce tens of tasks and prepare an inf...

FOMO: Fear of Missing Out New Blog Posts IS SOLVED!

Hello , there! I hope you are having a beautiful day. Today, in this post, I will talk about a time saver: RSS. What is RSS? RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication”. It enables you to follow many blogs and stay up to date with them. As I said above, it is a real time saver because imagine you are checking tens of blogs you are following. It is easy to catch all the new posts with RSS. click here for source I am using Feeder for it. It is so simple to use and you can add link extension on your Internet browser. So, it notifies you when a blog shares a new post. It is also easy to use. All you have to do is copy the link of the blog you want to follow on your RSS feed. That is it! All the blogs and new posts are in your hand. Here are how Feeder looks like and some blogs that I follow: Also, I would like to mention a blog for you to follow. It is Klokanomil . She is an English teacher and her blog is mainly based on TYEL (Teaching English to Young Lear...

Heed My Advice: An Infographic about Must Have Web 2.0 Tools

Hello , reader! In this post, I will be talking about infographics and share with you mine based on web 2.0 tools. But wait, what is Infographic? Infographic is like a poster on which you can find information with graphics or accumulation of data about anything. Our task was to create an infographic about our favourite web 2.0 tools. I used Canva for this project. The ones I have chosen are Edmodo , Ewa , Kahoot! , Padlet and Memrise . I have been using some of them in my daily life but some are the ones I discovered with this course. I really enjoy using these tools because they all have benefits with fun. Here is my infographic about them. Hope you find it beneficial!   Share your favourite tools with me, comment down below! Stay tuned!

Let's Pretend That We Are Editors!

Hey you , it is me, Sarah.  In this post, we had two options to share. In the first one, we have to create a film poster about a book we read. For the second option, we have to create a fictitious magazine related to fashion, games, sports, entertainment etc. So, I chose the second one to prepare. I imagined a comic book news magazine to create because I love comic books and their animations or films. I give it a name and chose the new comic book movie “Endgame” for its cover. I found the background photo from Pinterest . I edited the cover with Canva . Finally, I need to say that most probably I would not give such a task to my future students. Because I think it is not necessarily beneficial for language learning. Hope you liked it! Please share your comments with me. Stay tuned!

Creating a Story with Digital Tools

Hello you, my dear reader! I hope you are having a brilliant day! Today I will share my friend and I’s project and my  experience  about Digital Storytelling task for our course with you. click here for source We created a storyline which is about a school trip with my partner Saliha (you can also check her blog out by clicking). We wanted it to be didactic in terms of teaching jobs. We can use it to teach vocabulary to young learners. We used different tools to create ours. First, we made the scenes, settings and characters on Buncee . Then we recorded our voice. We edited it with Audacity . We added a sound from Freesound too. Then we put them together with Windows’ own Photo and Video Editor. To be honest, it was hard to do such a task. We had difficulties in the combination of all things and finding the proper tool to use. I don’t think I will give such a task to my students. While doing the process, it may deviate from the aim (learning vocabulary, w...

Like a Critic!

Hellooooo , it is Sarah here! I hope you are having a wonderful day. Today, I will evaluate an ELT website called: AllThings Topics . Of course, I am not the judge or a real critic but as a part of our course, I will analyze the website according to the criteria which are given by our instructor. This is how the website looks like: 1.         Who authored the website? Is there any information about their qualifications or credentials? On the website, there is a column which lists the topics you can find. There is a “Contact Me” button in the second line. You can find about the author and contact him. Also in the third line of the column, you can see “Gemma” button. By clicking it, you can also find the illustrator of some worksheet activities and her contact information. 2.        What is the content of the website? It has various kind of free printable exercises, reading and spelling quizz...

Exploring Padlet!

Hellooo my dearest readers! It has been a while and confidentially speaking I have missed blogging! Today, our topic is Padlet. What is Padlet?       click here for source   Padlet is a digital board which starts as an empty wall and enables you to fill it with the content you want. It is free!  You can sign up with your Gmail account easily and make your own Padlet ! Your friends or other people can contribute to your wall by signing up too. For our course, we need to create a Padlet in groups about a global/local problem or freedom. As a group, we chose a global problem: Endangered species. Each member of our group contributed to this project. While some of us sharing some videos and pictures, the others mentioned some information and news about the topic. I had so much fun! Padlet is very easy and practical to use so I never struggled. I learned so many things related to our topic while I was searching. I really liked the platform beca...